I hope you are having a good weekend, and in my house some celebrating has been going on because the football team my husband supports (Manchester City) has won the FA Cup for the first time in zillions of years!
I am also celebrating because Crystal has kindly given me this award

Thank you Crystal, you really made my day by thinking of me.
I have to tell you 8 random things about myself and pass it on to 5 other bloggers, so here goes :-)
1) I love lily of the valley flowers.
2) I have lost 25 pounds and only have 8 to go to my goal.
3) Most of the cards I make go to the school my daughter teaches at to be sold for charitable causes.
4) I sing in an acapella choir with my husband and daughter.
5) I once set up a hairdressers shop for my children to play in and my son somehow got hold of a real pair scissors and cut most of my daughters hair off!!!
6) I am a secret blogger - none of my friends know about it - mainly because none of them are crafters.
7) Since all my children left home, I've been lucky enough to have a whole room to craft in.
8) I would love to visit one of the CHA shows sometime.
Now for the great part of brightening someones day by passing this on to some very talented ladies who I recommend you visit.
Thanks for stopping by
Carol x
Thank you so very very much, Carol! Very kind of you! I adore your comments. Thank you, you're a very kind person!
that was an interesting post Carol. Well done on the weight loss.
yeah, 8 things about you, so interesting))))sing in an acapella - bravo!!!
Hi Carol, Thanks for the visit the kind words and the Award and for sharing a little about yourself. I love your creations BTW I need to visit more often. Thanks again
Hello Carol,
Your 8 random things are fantastic. The "secret blogger", ha ha, that would be a good blog title! Your work is beautiful and your friends would probably love to visit your blog. Thank you for recommending my blog spot to Janet @ http://ladyluvbug.blogspot.com/, that was a very nice surprise.
Hope you're having a wonderful day.
Carol - love your eight facts!! Thanks for your lovely comment on my cup & saucer - much appreciated!! I had lots of fun with this project!
I love the facts! Wonderfully random!!! Let me know about the cupcake decorating xxx
carol thank you so much for the award; I am so honored and happy. And I wil proudly display it on my blog. I just have think about 8 random things to share :)
Hugs and love,
Hi Carol!
I'm so so so late with thanking you for giving me this award!!! I've been quite busy and wanted to take some time to let you know about 8 things, but now already 4 days passed by... sorry!!!
I feel honored that you thought of me for the award, thank you so much! I must admit that I stopped putting awards on my blog, 'cause I think it's so difficult to think of people to give it to... I love all bloggers!!! Hope you don't mind...
I loved reading the 8 random things about you! So I really did also want to share 8 random things with you! Here comes!
1. In my work I make books for schools. I have contact with our clients, the publishers, make sure our designers to their job, search for images for in the book, find translators, editors and illustrators to make the books. Love it!
2. My boyfriend Pim and I have been together for over 16 years already! Not married, but we think the formula we have now, works, hi hi!
3. I love traveling! Been to quite a lot of countries already. Many in Europe, but also to Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Tunesia, Morocco, New York, Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama!
4. I write snailmail letters with friends around the world, also have visited some of those friends already, love that!
5. My mum is in a caring home since I was 16. She had a brainbleed and got paralyzed on her right side and can't speak normally and has a bit mixed up emotions. I'm 33 now, so all is normal to us and she's not in more risk now, so we are very used to it.
6. I'm an only child
7. I started making cards February 2010. I got addicted by the Cuttlebug, loved making texture and then I found out about stamping and then I was off! hi hi! I've spend quite a lot of money to supplies the last year, but I have all basics now, hi hi!
8. My fave brands of stamps are Papertrey Ink, Unity Stamps, Waltzing Mouse Stamps and Hero Arts. Love the different styles of these brands and usually I pick one brand and make the complete card with that.
Well, hope you liked to read more about me this way. I loved reading your story!!
And thanks again for giving me the award!!
Hugs, Wendy
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